Regd. Under Public Trust Act No. F9792 dt. 09-10-1983

Affiliated to university of Mumbai, Recongnized by AICTE, New Delhi, DTE. Mumbai, & Govt. of Maharashtra

Vision & Mission

Vision of College

"To develop, Sustain and contribute to Indian Economy by building an efficient forum and by providing excellent teaching and research opportunities in the field of Management Studies of the highest national and International Standards.".

Our Mission

"The institutes foundation purpose is to meet the desires of all its stakeholders by providing excellent teaching, R & D services in the field of Management Education.".


  • To make our students aware of the changing world ethos in the light of globalization and contexts of the new scenario.
  • To impart Qualitative and valuable services in the field of management education cater to the needs of business, commercial and industrial world.
  • To provide joboriented courses to the students and prepare them for self employment avenues through conventional and non-conventional courses.
  • To help students develop all-round personality so as to make them responsible citizens.
  • To inculcate a sense of discipline and integrity among them.
  • To contribute towards social and community development through infrastructure facilities.
  • To provide a platform to the students to face the challenges of the competitive world, with utmost utilization of their potential in sports, and other events.
  • To implement research, consultation and management development program.


  • Developing cordial relationship with the stakeholders.
  • Arranging alumni/parent meet to solicit their views ideas for betterment of institute.
  • Building institute image and sustaining the same.
  • Involving stakeholders through and in various program for their patronage and support.


  • High priority to maintain discipline in and around the campus.
  • Wearing corporate uniform and identity card while on the premises.
  • Good corporate culture.
  • A separate discipline committee consisting of a Director, senior faculty and representative of students.

Student Welfare

  • Students welfare a serious and major concern for the institute.
  • High/top priority to students welfare and welfare measures.
  • Earn and learn scheme.
  • Making provision for basic infrastructural facilities for promoting welfare of student.